06733 - 949 640 post@becker-tanks.de

„Our stainless steel floor drain systems are first class when it comes to robust wastewater technology.“

Helmut Becker, Geschäftsführer

Wastewater Technology

Wherever especially durable floor drainage systems are required, our stainless steel 1.4404 drain channels are first choice.

Be it in car washes, when disposing of detergents and chemicals in industrial plants, basements or slaughterhouses: Our high grade stainless steel drain channels are robust and durable and reinforced along the edge for more stability. Our drain channels and caissons are designed for diverse applications and dimensions and can be adapted to any size. Furthermore, the caissons are equipped with a skimmer basket and an odour trap.

You can count on our 15+ years of experience in wastewater technology!


Box gutter with bar grate coverage

Box gutter with bar grate coverage

Further products